Before Your Very Eyes




The Society for Animation and Development of Children's Drama Creativity, in partnership with, Pygméteatern from Stockholm, Association for promotion of children’s creativity Svitac and Swedish Institute is organizing shadow theatre workshops titled BEFORE YOUR VARY EYES. Workshops will take place in Children’s Cultural Centre Majdan on February 22nd and 23rd, 2014 from 10 to 14 hours.


Swedish Pygmetheater, that has 35 years long experience in organizing shadow workshops and other interesting theatre projects will lead a group of children with disabilities through a magical world of different theatre expression aiming to encourage their cultural and social inclusion but also through a play of light and shadow reveal their hidden talents.


An interesting concept of a shadow theatre, that combines elements of animation, puppet and interactive theatre has big potentials in work with children and development of their knowledge, creative thinking, understanding a process of artistic creation, team work but also interpersonal communication and relations with the public. This approach is in line with our respect for children, their rights and their importance for the society. It promotes work on interpersonal relations, respect for diversity but it also reminds on big potentials of theatre art in developing culture and education of young people.


Children's Cultural Centre Majdan, well-known for its interesting programs and promotion of different artistic expressions has recognized potentials and qualities of a concept developed by Serbian and Swedish partners.


Project BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES is just the beginning of activities that partners involved in this cooperation plan to implement in the upcoming period.


For all additional information please contact executive producer of this project, Mr. Milorad Jovanovic on: